About Melancholy

I enjoy many different things, and dont like alot either. im also a neurodivergent individual and struggle with alot of things. like writeing this even is a struggle, i really wish it wasnt, its making me a failure. i promise im trying my hardest.

sometimes i wish it was possible to dissapear and not exist for periods of time. i think itd feel good, it seems like itd be refreshing. one quote i read said itd be like a trial period of death, its a pretty good description. shape shifting would also be a super cool thing to be able to do, i could look however i want! i also wouldnt have to be human if i didnt want to, and id be able to fly as free as a bird!

I hope i get a good grade on this, id rather not dissapoint my parents anymore than i already do. i hate being the oddball, its very lonely, i dont like being lonely but its usually for the best. as people arnt usually very nice to me. i thinks its because they can tell, and they dont like it or maybe feel threatend by it. or they want to take advantage of it. luckily im good at being "invisable", its nice being able to that, even though i hate it sometimes, i hope this is enough info for the paragraphs and i hope its enough about me to not lose points, i cant afford for that to be that case. theres never enough time for anything.

